We know logging in can be a struggle, and we're here to make things easier for you!
There are a few reasons why you may be having trouble logging in to Alison from the login page.
You have an unconfirmed account
You have an unconfirmed account
In order for your account to be fully activated, you need to confirm your email address. Check your inbox for a confirmation email from us and click on the link in the email. This will activate your account and you’ll be able to login again.
You did not receive a confirmation email
You did not receive a confirmation email
If you didn’t receive a confirmation email or you cannot find one in your inbox, then we’ll have to confirm your account manually. Simply send us a blank email with the subject Confirm.
Your password is incorrect
Your password is incorrect
When you login, you may notice an error message that your password is incorrect. Try entering again. Remember that passwords are case-sensitive, so check that your “CAPS LOCK” is turned off and you are entering it correctly.
Forgotten Password
Forgotten Password
If you have forgotten your password, you’ll need to select a new one. Here’s a step-by-step guide to reset your password.
Multiple accounts
Multiple accounts
You have more than one account with Alison. Check that you enter the correct email address and password to login to the correct account. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to remove an unused account.
Social account
Social account
If you created your Alison account using your social media account, you’ll need to choose the relevant social media link on the left side of the login page. If you still have login issues, you may need to reset your password on the social media platform’s website.
Apple account login
Apple account login
You will need to use an iOS device in order to use the Apple login. Unfortunately, it is not possible to use this login via a web browser.
Account was registered via one of our partners
Account was registered via one of our partners
If you created your account through a partner website, you will need to log in via that portal. You do have the option of logging in directly on Alison. You can use the reset password feature here: reset password. If you'd like to discontinue sharing data with the partner organisation, you'll need to do so right here at this step.
Still Having Issues Logging Into Alison?
If you're still experiencing any issues logging into your Alison account, please reach out to us using the link below and one of our support team members will be in touch: