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How to create my Resumé?
Updated over 8 months ago

Having an up-to-date, professional resumé is one of the most important elements when it comes searching for a job. But creating a resumé that stands out isn't always easy. Yes, it can take some time, but it’s well worth the effort. Alison’s Resumé Builder can help you build a professional resumé in minutes!

Save time and effort with the Alison Resumé Builder.

To start, the following sections marked with (*) need to be filled:

  • Personal Details

  • Short summary

  • Professional Experience

  • Educational History

  • Skills

Our Workplace Personality Assessment can help you build a better resumé. The Assessment is designed to highlight your main strengths and weaknesses. Pass the Assessment to fill up the Skills section in your resumé.

  • Certificates

Your certificates serve as proof of your expertise and the skills you have learnt. It becomes a really strong factor for potential employers when they consider you for a job. Don’t forget to add your Alison Certificate or other certificates you may have to your resumé.

How many pages should a resumé be?

A resumé should ideally be one to two pages long. For most professionals, one page is sufficient to showcase key skills, experiences, and accomplishments. However, if you have extensive experience or need to include more relevant details, a two-page resumé is acceptable. Remember to keep the content concise and focused on what is most relevant to the job you are applying for.

How far back should a resumé go?

A resumé should generally include your work history for the past 10 to 15 years. For jobs in IT, the focus is on more recent years. This timeframe ensures that the information is relevant and up-to-date, reflecting your most recent and significant career achievements. For positions held earlier in your career, you can summarise the experience briefly or omit it if it is not directly relevant to the job you are applying for.

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